Showtek today is tomorrow rapidshare free

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Their stunning live-performances, devastating dj sets, but above all, a bunch of superb productions and massive hits has led to world-domination in the harder dance scene. The Eindhoven based act existing of the brothers Wouter (1982) and Sjoerd Janssen (1984) has reached the absolute top after years of blood, sweat and tears.

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‘Today Is Tomorrow’ showed that we are closer than ever in the studio and have found the perfect balance.” A style that seems to appeal many people in the world, since we’re playing almost every weekend abroad nowadays. “We think our album shows that Showtek has an own, unique and diverse sound. The two discovered new fields to play in far destinations and became true ambassadors promoting the Dutch power-sound. was a beautiful and intense musical journey for the Showtekkers. The following world tour through America, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, etc. The title refers to the fact that Showtek’s music made in the studio today reaches the listener tomorrow. Their first artist album ‘Today Is Tomorrow’ – containing 39 tracks – became a worldwide success and a milestone in the scene of harder dance. Although it sounds like a cliché, 2007 was a memorable and amazing year with several highlights for Showtek.